Nombre del producto:2-(4-Heptylphenyl)-1,3-thiazolane

IUPAC Name:2-(4-heptylphenyl)-1,3-thiazolidine

Fórmula molecular:C16H25NS
Número de catálogo:CM190134
Peso molecular:263.44

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Detalles del producto

Núm. De CAS :937602-48-7
Fórmula molecular:C16H25NS
Punto de fusión:-
Código de sonrisas:CCCCCCCC1=CC=C(C=C1)C1NCCS1
Número de catálogo:CM190134
Peso molecular:263.44
Punto de ebullición:
Nº Mdl:MFCD09027145
Almacenamiento:Store at 2-8°C.

Category Infos

Thiazoles are very important functional groups in medicinal chemistry. They act as ligands on a variety of biological matrices. Thiazoles are used in a wide range of therapeutic applications, such as antibacterial, antiretroviral, antifungal, antiallergic, antihypertensive, pain treatment, and to control symptoms of schizophrenia.
Thiazolidine is a heterocyclic organic compound, which is a five-membered saturated ring with a thioether group and an amine group. It is the sulfur analog of oxazolidine. Thiazolidine derivatives have many uses and have a broad spectrum of biological activities. For example, the drug pioglitazone contains a thiazolidine ring. Thiazolidine has three isomers, 2-, 3-, and 4-. Derivatives with a 2-thiazoline ring are the most common.

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