Nombre del producto:(R)-5,5-Dimethyl-3-(pyridin-3-ylsulfonyl)-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid

IUPAC Name:(4R)-5,5-dimethyl-3-(pyridine-3-sulfonyl)-1,3-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid

Fórmula molecular:C11H14N2O4S2
Número de catálogo:CM170960
Peso molecular:302.36

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Detalles del producto

Núm. De CAS :737799-50-7
Fórmula molecular:C11H14N2O4S2
Punto de fusión:-
Código de sonrisas:CC1(C)SCN([C@@H]1C(O)=O)S(=O)(=O)C1=CN=CC=C1
Número de catálogo:CM170960
Peso molecular:302.36
Punto de ebullición:
Nº Mdl:MFCD13180457
Almacenamiento:Store at 2-8°C.

Category Infos

Pyridine is a six-membered heterocyclic compound containing one nitrogen heteroatom. Pyridine and piperidine are the most frequently occurring heterocyclic building blocks in drug molecules. According to incomplete statistics, there are currently more than 180 drugs containing pyridine or piperidine structure that have been marketed, nearly 1/5 of the drugs approved for marketing in recent years contain these two structures.
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Pyridine is a basic heterocyclic organic compound with the chemical formula C5H5N. It is structurally related to benzene, with one methine group (=CH−) replaced by a nitrogen atom. It is a highly flammable, weakly alkaline, water-miscible liquid with a distinctive, unpleasant fish-like smell.
Thiazolidine is a heterocyclic organic compound, which is a five-membered saturated ring with a thioether group and an amine group. It is the sulfur analog of oxazolidine. Thiazolidine derivatives have many uses and have a broad spectrum of biological activities. For example, the drug pioglitazone contains a thiazolidine ring. Thiazolidine has three isomers, 2-, 3-, and 4-. Derivatives with a 2-thiazoline ring are the most common.

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