Nombre del producto:Ethyl 2,2-difluorobutanoate

IUPAC Name:ethyl 2,2-difluorobutanoate

Fórmula molecular:C6H10F2O2
Número de catálogo:CM418339
Peso molecular:152.14

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CM418339-1g 3-4 Weeks ƩǺş

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Detalles del producto

Núm. De CAS :2368-92-5
Fórmula molecular:C6H10F2O2
Punto de fusión:-
Código de sonrisas:CCOC(=O)C(F)(F)CC
Número de catálogo:CM418339
Peso molecular:152.14
Punto de ebullición:
Nº Mdl:

Column Infos

The recent publication titles “Structure–Activity Relationship Studies of Aryl Sulfoxides as Reversible Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibitors”. Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) is the critical enzyme responsible for the hydrolysis of endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) to arachidonate and glycerol, contributing to the inflammatory cascade in the CNS. MAGL inhibition provides various potential therapeutic opportunities, including inflammation-induced tissue injury, pain, multiple sclerosis, and cancer.
LEI-515 is an aryl sulfoxide, and a peripherally restricted, covalent reversible MAGL inhibitor. LEI-515 increases 2-AG levels in the periphery and reduces neuropathic pain and inflammation, without inducing CNS adverse effects or physical dependence.