Nombre del producto:benzenemethanol, 3-[5-[(1-methyl-4-piperidinyl)methoxy]-2-pyrimidinyl]-

IUPAC Name:(3-{5-[(1-methylpiperidin-4-yl)methoxy]pyrimidin-2-yl}phenyl)methanol

Fórmula molecular:C18H23N3O2
Número de catálogo:CM105707
Peso molecular:313.4

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Detalles del producto

Núm. De CAS :1100598-48-8
Fórmula molecular:C18H23N3O2
Punto de fusión:-
Código de sonrisas:OCC1=CC=CC(C2=NC=C(OCC3CCN(C)CC3)C=N2)=C1
Número de catálogo:CM105707
Peso molecular:313.4
Punto de ebullición:
Nº Mdl:

Category Infos

Piperidine is an azacycloalkane that is cyclohexane in which one of the carbons is replaced by a nitrogen. Although piperidine is a common organic compound, it is an immensely important class of compounds medicinally: the piperidine ring is the most common heterocyclic subunit among FDA approved drugs.
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Pyrimidine, also known as 1,3-diazobenzene, is a heterocyclic compound with the chemical formula C4H4N2. Pyrimidine is formed by substituting 2 nitrogen atoms for 2 carbons in the meta-position of benzene. It is a diazine and retains its aromaticity. Derivatives of pyrimidine widely exist in organic macromolecular nucleic acids, and many drugs also contain pyrimidine rings. In nucleic acids, three nucleobases are pyrimidine derivatives: cytosine, thymine and uracil. There are a variety of pyrimidine-containing drugs on the market, most of which are kinase inhibitors.
Benzene is an important organic compound with the chemical formula C6H6, and its molecule consists of a ring of 6 carbon atoms, each with 1 hydrogen atom. Benzene is a sweet, flammable, colorless and transparent liquid with carcinogenic toxicity at room temperature, and has a strong aromatic odor. It is insoluble in water, easily soluble in organic solvents, and can also be used as an organic solvent itself. The ring system of benzene is called benzene ring, and the structure after removing one hydrogen atom from the benzene ring is called phenyl. Benzene is one of the most important basic organic chemical raw materials. Many important chemical intermediates can be derived from benzene through substitution reaction, addition reaction and benzene ring cleavage reaction.

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